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Joint MEDAC-LDAC-CCS-CCRUP letter for participation in Ambassadors' meetings and info on the progress of ICCAT MSE processes

Joint MEDAC-LDAC-CCS-CCRUP letter for participation in Ambassadors' meetings and info on the progress of ICCAT MSE processes


Commission reply Multi-AC advice on stakeholder engagement in Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) processes

Commission reply Multi-AC advice on stakeholder engagement in Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) processes


MIAC meeting report (January 2025)

MIAC meeting report

Recommendation of LDAC - Advice in preparation of 29th Session of IOTC 2025 - La Reunion, 13-17 April R-09-Ej.18(2024-2025)/WG1

Recommendation of LDAC - Advice in preparation of 29th Session of IOTC 2025 - La Reunion, 13-17 April R-09-Ej.18(2024-2025)/WG1


Congratulatory letter from the Long Distance Advisory Council Director MARE B International Ocean Governance & Sustainable Fisheries

Congratulatory letter from the Long Distance Advisory Council Director MARE B International Ocean Governance & Sustainable Fisheries


Multi-AC advice on stakeholder engagement in Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) processes

Multi-AC advice on stakeholder engagement in Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) processes


Commission reply and the LDAC advice in Preparation of NEAFC 43rd Annual Meeting (R-02-Ej.18 (2024-2025)/WG2)

Commission reply and the LDAC advice in Preparation of NEAFC 43rd Annual Meeting (R-02-Ej.18 (2024-2025)/WG2)


LDAC letter sent to DG MARE on the “Need for a level playing field with ‘mirror clauses’ for imports from China to the European Union” Ref.: R-08-Ej.18 (2024-2025)/WG5

LDAC letter sent to DG MARE on the “Need for a level playing field with ‘mirror clauses’ for imports from China to the European Union” Ref.: R-08-Ej.18 (2024-2025)/WG5


Minutes of the Inter-Advisory Councils (INTER-ACs) meeting (4th October 2024)

Minutes of the Inter-Advisory Councils (INTER-ACS) meeting (4th October 2024)

LDAC statement Inter AC Roundtable discussion with Commissioner Kadis and DG Vitcheva (3Dec2024)

LDAC statement Inter AC Roundtable discussion with Commissioner Kadis and DG Vitcheva

LDAC letter to DG MARE-INTPA - request for meeting on GLOBAL GATEWAY programme and linkeages with EU fishing investments in third countries R-07-Ej.18 (2024-2025)/WG4-WG5

LDAC letter to DG MARE-INTPA - request for meeting on GLOBAL GATEWAY programme and linkeages with EU fishing investments in third countries R-07-Ej.18 (2024-2025)/WG4-WG5


LDAC letter requesting clarification on work of Africa-Europe Ocean Strategic Group and Roadmap 2030 report Ref. R-06-Ej.18 (2024-2025)/WG1-WG4-WG5

LDAC letter requesting clarification on work of Africa-Europe Ocean Strategic Group and Roadmap 2030 report Ref. R-06-Ej.18 (2024-2025)/WG1-WG4-WG5


Commission reply and the Recommendation of LDAC - WCPFC Advice on Annual Meeting 2024 - Fiji, 28 Nov-3 Dec (Ref.: R-04-Ej.18(2024-2025)/LDACWG1)

Commission reply and the Recommendation of LDAC - WCPFC Advice on Annual Meeting 2024 - Fiji, 28 Nov-3 Dec (Ref.: R-04-Ej.18(2024-2025)/LDACWG1)


Congratulatory letter from the Advisory Councils on the parliamentary approval of the Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans

Congratulatory letter from the Advisory Councils on the parliamentary approval of the Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans


Recommendation of LDAC - WCPFC Advice on Annual Meeting 2024 - Fiji, 28 Nov-3 Dec (Ref.: R-04-Ej.18(2024-2025)/LDACWG1)

Recommendation of LDAC - WCPFC Advice on Annual Meeting 2024 - Fiji, 28 Nov-3 Dec (Ref.: R-04-Ej.18(2024-2025)/LDACWG1)


LDAC-MEDAC-AAC joint letter on role and involvement of Advisory Councils in the Energy Transition Partnership Support Group

LDAC-MEDAC-AAC joint letter on role and involvement of Advisory Councils in the Energy Transition Partnership Support Group


Commission reply to the LDAC-MEDAC-AAC joint letter on role and involvement of Advisory Councils in the Energy Transition Partnership Support Group

Commission reply to the LDAC-MEDAC-AAC joint letter on role and involvement of Advisory Councils in the Energy Transition Partnership Support Group


EC Reply to the Joint NSAC-LDAC-PelAC-NWWC-SWWAC-BSAC Advice on stakeholder engagement in ICES advice request formulation

EC Reply to the Joint NSAC-LDAC-PelAC-NWWC-SWWAC-BSAC Advice on stakeholder engagement in ICES advice request formulation


EC Reply to LDAC Recommendations for 2024 ICCAT Annual Meeting (Ref. R-03-Ej.18(2024-2025)/WG1)

LDAC advice: Recommendations for 2024 ICCAT Annual Meeting (Ref. R-03-Ej.18(2024-2025)/WG1)


LDAC advice: Recommendations for 2024 ICCAT Annual Meeting (Ref. R-03-Ej.18(2024-2025)/WG1)

LDAC advice: Recommendations for 2024 ICCAT Annual Meeting


LDAC letter re clarification on Code of Conduct for EU delegates at RFMO mtgs

LDAC letter re clarification on Code of Conduct for EU delegates at RFMO mtgs

Commission reply LDAC letter re clarification on Code of Conduct for EU delegates at RFMO mtgs

Commission reply LDAC letter re clarification on Code of Conduct for EU delegates at RFMO mtgs

Joint AC Recommendation - Advice on Deep-Sea Mining and its impact on fisheries + Norway plans in the Arctic Ref. R-05-Ej.18 (2024-2025)/WG5

Joint AC Recommendation - Advice on Deep-Sea Mining and its impact on fisheries + Norway plans in the Arctic Ref. R-05-Ej.18 (2024-2025)/WG5

Joint NSAC-LDAC-PelAC-NWWAC-SWWAC-BSAC Advice on stakeholder engagement in ICES advice request formulation

Joint NSAC-LDAC-PelAC-NWWAC-SWWAC-BSAC Advice on stakeholder engagement in ICES advice request formulation

Conclusions and results from the EMD AC side event 2024: EU Advisory Councils: stakeholder engagement in policy making for sustainable fisheries & aquaculture production and value chains

Conclusions and results from the EMD AC side event 2024: EU Advisory Councils: stakeholder engagement in policy making for sustainable fisheries & aquaculture production and value chains

EC reply to the LDAC Advice on the need to address sustainability concerns of fisheries and aquaculture production in EU-Norway relations (Ref. R-02-24/WG2)

European Commission reply to the LDAC Advice on the need to address sustainability concerns of fisheries and aquaculture production in EU-Norway relations (Ref. R-02-24/WG2)

LDAC-MEDAC-AAC joint letter on role and involvement of Advisory Councils in the Energy Transition Partnership Support Group

LDAC-MEDAC-AAC joint letter on role and involvement of Advisory Councils in the Energy Transition Partnership Support Group

LDAC Advice for NAFO 46th Annual Meeting (Ref.: R-01-Ej.18(2024-2025)/WG2)

LDAC Advice for NAFO 46th Annual Meeting (Halifax, 23-27 September 2024)

LDAC Advice in preparation for NEAFC 43rd Annual Meeting (R-02-Ej.18 (2024-2025)/WG2)

LDAC Advice in preparation for NEAFC 43rd Annual Meeting

Final Conclusions Advisory Board EFCA (23 April 2024)

Final Conclusions Advisory Board EFCA (23 April 2024)