Comité Exécutif
Compte rendu Ex.Com 26-03-2021
1.2- Ordre Jour Excom CCPL 26mars2021
2- Annual Economic Report STECF 2020
2- The EU fishing fleet 2020: Trends and economic results
2.1- Presentation of STECF EWG AER (R.Prellezo)
3.2- Letter DG C.Vitcheva regarding outcomes and reflections arising from the last Inter AC meetings
3.2- Draft Minutes: Inter AC on Brexit 22-02-2021
3.2- LDAC Response to DG MARE on Improving Functioning of the ACs R.17.20
4.1- Report: Coordination LDAC-DG MARE on COFI 34 FAO (25-01-2021)
4.1- Draft Report of the 34th Session of FAO COFI
4.1- 34éme session Comité des Pêches- FAO (documents)
4.1- Sub-Committee on Fish Trade 17 Session Social Responsability in Fish Value Chains (Nov 2019)
Propriétés de l'événement
Date de l'événement | 26/03/2021 10:00 |
Date de fin | 26/03/2021 13:30 |
Adresse | vidéoconférence |